Ossify in a sentence as a verb

I hope not. If it did, the "abstractions" would ossify and we'd have to live with their quirks and bugs for the next 10 years.

A few years later, those new folks ossify and then themselves get killed by the next wave.

Its a huge liability, but you don't have to take it offline - just ossify it.

They then ossify into mechanical words and take on an oppressive life of their own :/.

Likewise, large companies tend to ossify and become numb to failure, but that doesn't guarantee their collapse.

I also think it is important to not let the language ossify due to legacy -- which is the problem that kills many languages.

So if you believe this, then why do you advocate for policies that will further regiment and ossify the school system we have?

If there is no way for a trader or an analyst to create a new model, or a new process, the current models and processes ossify.

The issue I think you are trying to illustrate oh-so-ineloquently is that a lot of developers ossify into "what they know".

At some point, Agile started to ossify into a shadow-image of everything it was intended to fix. But I think that failing reflects the nature of its practitioners more than it does the core philosophy.

People continue to think that if we just got the right people -- smart, college-educated, libertarians, whatever -- that systems wouldn't ossify.

It seems to me this would likely ossify things down the road a bit because if your schema is that rapidly changing, you may never get caught up and so backward compatibility is going to be a *****.

The only meaningful take-away from these concerns is you shouldn't ever let a rails project you maintain ossify to the extent that you can't easily/safely run "bundle update", commit, and deploy.

Doctors who have let this assumption ossify will force the hands of patients who simply don't know otherwise.- My pediatrician's practice currently recommends avoiding peanut butter until age... three?

Prop 13 has caused housing development to ossify, causing widespread homelessness and misery, but residents find it convenient to blame a tiny fraction of the workforce for all their problems.

All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify.

The only meaningful take-away from these continued security vulnerabilities is you shouldn't ever let a rails project you maintain ossify to the extent that you can't easily/safely run "bundle update", commit, and deploy.

Ossify definitions


become bony; "The tissue ossified"


make rigid and set into a conventional pattern; "rigidify the training schedule"; "ossified teaching methods"; "slogans petrify our thinking"

See also: rigidify petrify


cause to become hard and bony; "The disease ossified the tissue"