Watering in a sentence as a noun

Not watering them, watering them a little, didn't seem to change.

Since this is the watering hole for discussions related to startups, I'm not sure where else it would go.

"Thanks to their kindness in this matter, I no longer need to worry so much about watering my own hands.

The costs involved with libel cases are nothing short of eye-watering [1].

Or maybe everyone has a right to their property, but also an equal chance at getting to water, and I own the only watering hole.

It usually involves some "hip" but impractical course from a fancily named company who are masking over the fact that 90% of successful gardening is digging a hole and watering.

And... examining the moisture usage of individual plants per watering cycle... great for research or hobbyist or specialist crops, not practical day to day production agriculture.

As soon as convince people that "there are thing that in this democracy we have to able to hide from, the democratic public", you have a point of leverage you can push harder and harder and harder till you have all the coconuts in the watering hole.

You come under editorial pressure from advertisers to \n remove or modify it…This eventually results in a \n watering down of the true, authentic content on the site\n\nIf you're in a situation where you have no advertising and you're losing money, why not be in a situation where you have some advertising and if an advertiser gets annoyed you tell them to leave and not work with you again?

Watering definitions


shedding tears

See also: lacrimation lachrymation tearing


wetting with water; "the lawn needs a great deal of watering"