Vasoconstriction in a sentence as a noun

That might have caused the actual stroke: extreme vasoconstriction.

Hey doc-to-be:\nAm I correct that there is a very basic cellular bio reason that salt causes vasoconstriction?

Unlike caffeine, nicotine and ******* both cause vasoconstriction.

[4] A side effect of this is that if you do have a blockage, the increased pressure from the vasoconstriction can help dislodge it, the result likely being a heart attack.

The 'good' is vasoconstriction, alertness boosting, and short-lived memory retention; that's about it.

The actual risk here is cold shock, not hypothermia—rapid vasoconstriction in your limbs will flood your core with blood, causing your heart to work much harder to maintain circulation.

This conditions, called hypocapnia, leads to vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the brain, which can cause even lower Oxygen uptake in the brain, as well as bronchoconstriction.

The peripheral vasoconstriction is part of a reflex known as the mammalian dive reflex in which your heart actually slows down, rather than work harder, as soon as your face touches cold water.

It's not likely to harm you, and unless you're fairly familiar with ***, you might not notice the difference, but it has caused deaths due to severe vasoconstriction, which hasn't happened with ***, even though many more people have used the latter.

Their body and skin temperature drops tremendously, insulation against heat loss increases by vasoconstriction, and metabolism and heat production remains unaltered.

Its actions are to increase peripheral resistance via α1 receptor-dependent vasoconstriction and to increase cardiac output via its binding to β1 receptors.

Human hypertension comprises a heterogeneous spectrum of abnormal vasoconstriction-volume interactions.

Vasoconstriction definitions


decrease in the diameter of blood vessels