Orator in a sentence as a noun

Neil deGrasse Tyson is such a great orator.

I was pleasantly surprised, the first time I saw this, by how good of an orator he is.

He was my favourite thinker and orator, I'm very sad to see him go.

How about being a fantastic coder and orator too?

Some people compared that guy to Steve Jobs, I personally think he's not a good orator but is trying to be.

"And it really does not take a genius, or an orator, to see which side is the oppressing one.

I used to really like Gruber, but he's become a very twisted orator, who seems to bend everything to Apple's favor.

Fans of said company would blame the orator regardless of gender, the smoke, mirrors, and shouts of sexism merely serve to enrage people further.

I'm a so-so to "good" public speaker. I used to be a terrible public speaker. I'll probably never be a great orator or Steve Jobs, but I'm pretty happy with my presentation skills.

What do you think "being Charismatic" means?Steve Jobs was not a gifted orator he spoke plainly: A gifted orator is someone who is engaging to watch speak.

It meanders over a huge variety of topics and I personally find him a very engaging and easy to listen to orator.

If you are professional orator, you will eventually get to the point where you can pontificate the same speech verbatim without a single note.

For example, political speech writers comb over every word to make sure they have the desired impact-- thus, the final text likely has little correlation to the sentiment of the orator.

[2]"Frederick Douglass was an African-American social reformer, orator, writer and statesman.

I had you mentally pictured as something from the Age of Pericles, a mix of track and field style athletics, a little painting, a little sculpting, a little philosophy, a little music, a strong understanding of people, a thorough writer of both poetry and practical arts, a solid craftsman, a strong orator with a bent for rationality and a nuanced sense of justice, and successful in commerce and trade.

Orator definitions


a person who delivers a speech or oration

See also: speechmaker rhetorician speechifier