Metabolism in a sentence as a noun

This law will allow some kids to have a normal metabolism and a normal life.

Any one know what the by-products of the fungus' metabolism are?

Oh, so you go into detail about how eating right away boosts your metabolism, but 3 hours of the day is "meetings"?

Are humans still 50-100 kg masses of biological metabolism, and not, say, programs being simulated on small computers?

One of the organisms studied in this paper was Aspergillus *****, whose metabolism produces, among other things, aflatoxin.

This is just one tiny slice of the broader mainstream scientific approach of attempting to alter the operation of metabolism in order to provide benefits.

But after seriously thinking about the idea, I realized Taubes was providing a far more complete understanding of metabolism.

Also, most "life" functions of a human body, like breathing, metabolism, ... are actually performed by symbiotic bacteria on our behalf.

Institutions want to see standard issue drug development and manipulation of metabolism because it is the mainstream of medicine and the expected thing: the round peg for the round hole of regulation.

They are following the Longevity Dividend [0] approach in essence, which at the high level aims to increase understanding of the intersection of genetics, metabolism, and aging to produce ways to slow aging gently.

He correctly argues that our body is basically inherited from our hunter-gatherer evolution and we are thus adapted to strive in a patchy and varying environment for which our metabolism has derived efficient solutions to the energy flow problem.

Metabolism definitions


the marked and rapid transformation of a larva into an adult that occurs in some animals

See also: metamorphosis


the organic processes (in a cell or organism) that are necessary for life