Unsatisfied in a sentence as an adjective

I'd think, "those first returns are from unsatisfied people.

I'd be also very unsatisfied with the line: "They're the ones who invent and imagine and create.

I guess being the middle man in a sale / money dispute usually makes at least one people unsatisfied of you ?

After a few months, unsatisfied with the experience, I found out about Gentoo and Portage.

"To say that it surprised Ed would be an understatement, and it set off a series of events that left me feeling pretty unsatisfied.

We feel intellectually bloated, and yet completely unsatisfied.

Last year, I was unsatisfied with the design of my personal website, so I learned some basic color theory and typography and redesigned it myself.

Seeing how they tied their results so strongly in to their Careers product makes the layout of the survey self-evident in hindsight, but I was a little unsatisfied with the survey itself regardless.

It won't work, it'll just remind unsatisfied yahoo employees how much they hate their jobs and lead to an even more dysfunctional workplace and evaporate away all of the talent that was ever at the company.

Unsatisfied definitions


not having been satisfied

See also: unsated unsatiated


worried and uneasy

See also: restless ungratified