Unsatiated in a sentence as an adjective

It's no coincidence that we call "fast food" that way; it's meant to leave us unsatiated and craving for more.

Well that was pretty rude of me to say... I'm projecting from a deep and unsatiated desire for folks to rally around trying to create worth.

If anything, its other new meanings seem to be about the kinds of suffering from unsatisfied/unsatiated/frustrated desires.

If we allowed for more development, developers would still build luxury buildings as long as there was unsatiated demand for them, but they'd also build normal and affordable housing as well.

Make no mistake, I absolutely loved the responsibility and freedom that came with a managerial role, it was just my engineering appetite that was left unsatiated.

Once you are adapted to it, you can consciously control your caloric intake as appropriate for your body-reform plan without getting bombarded by unsatiated appetite signals every waking moment of your day.

Unsatiated definitions


not having been satisfied

See also: unsated unsatisfied