Unmovable in a sentence as an adjective

And in some laws boats are defined as "unmovable goods"

If we left it to OEM hw we would still have unmovable beasts of machines with RS232 ports...

An unmovable object / idea that helps in making life decisions.

I don’t see much discussion of the unmovable reality of timezones.

There's a thought error in here: "the economy", as an unmovable construct, does not really exist.

Makes some sense - highly visible, probably short and unmovable deadlines.

In this case, I think there is a halo effect that is not being addressed and compensated for, or is being assumed as static and unmovable.

If he assigned it 0, no matter how good the experimental design was, and no matter what the test was, he would be unmovable from this position.

> requires you to have move operators for any classes you makeActually, in the specific case of std::list, T can be both unmovable and uncopyable.

Think 'shiny laptop, plain Windows' and after connecting to the internet for the first time you see mandatory mal- and crapware installations, and the applications are unmovable on your desktop all the time.

Combined with the unmovable listing prices this has led to what is basically welfare for real estate agents and the most lackadaisical salesmen I have ever witnessed, even adjusting for the generally easy-going culture.

At first look one may think that extremal morons are the ones presenting main obstacle to progress, yet looking just a bit more one can see that it is the reasonable conservatives in the middle who form the humongous main unmovable mass.>One the one hand, we have a female who has a very accurate understanding of evolutionary biology, evolutionary psychology, genetics, and logic.

Unmovable definitions


not able or intended to be moved; "the immovable hills"

See also: immovable immoveable stabile