Mandatory in a sentence as a noun

To those who thought that team lunch is "mandatory," you misread the article. It's not mandatory.

Good handwriting was considered a mandatory trait of good, brilliant and hard working students.

I replied that I was promised that I would not have to agree to such a clause, and she told me that it was mandatory, so I could take it or leave it.

It's nice to learn new frameworks, and you should, but it's mandatory that by the time you pick up something there will be something else that is considered better / more popular.

They repeatedly dragged me into mandatory virtual and in-person meetings to cover inane details that should have been covered via email.

This would be equivalent to someone saying that, because they enjoyed their meal at the restaurant, the restaurant should charge a mandatory 25% tip to all current patrons of the restaurant.

Mandatory in a sentence as an adjective

The customary measurement system is, by contrast, simply customary, not mandatory.

I would like to further suggest we end the use of the word "war" in contexts that do not involve mandatory conscription and the deaths of large numbers of combatants until one side totally surrenders.

Sure, Dropbox could spend seven figures to get a ISOxxxx whatever consultancy to draw up a 125 page document describing their internal checks, do the obligatory all-hands yearly mandatory training where you have to get 10/10 questions right and question 1 is "A user has uploaded naked pictures of themselves to their account.

In his dream he finds himself in a society where music education has been made mandatory....Since musicians are known to set down their ideas in the form of sheet music, these curious black dots and lines must constitute the “language of music.” It is imperative that students become fluent in this language if they are to attain any degree of musical competence; indeed, it would be ludicrous to expect a child to sing a song or play an instrument without having a thorough grounding in music notation and theory.

Here's the flipside:--most people working in Amazon warehouses are employed by temporary staffing firms, not Amazon--most people working in Amazon warehouses don't come anywhere near 3 years of tenure before quitting or being fired--reimbursement is limited to $2,000/year for four years, while $5,000/year is pretty much the minimum direct cost to take such programs--the program is limited to full-time workers, so only those who can take classes while working full-time and mandatory-or-you-get-fired overtime can partakeThe number of warehouse workers eligible for this is nearly zero.

Mandatory definitions


the recipient of a mandate

See also: mandatary


a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves

See also: mandate


required by rule; "in most schools physical education is compulsory"; "attendance is mandatory"; "required reading"

See also: compulsory required