Stabile in a sentence as a noun

Xubuntu and Mint 18 are both stabile and solid.

To get flying wing stabile you have to add aerodynamic twist to wings which also adds drag.

If they ever get it to room temperature and have it be stabile then it might be more interesting.

In particular I admire and enjoy climbing his stabiles.

Future pro: cleaner code, more stabile/better perf, new package ecosystem.

Stabile in a sentence as an adjective

Of course you need to set some parameters correctly, but it is way, waaay more easy and stabile than in the old days.

And some women don't get a choice to use birth control, there are medical issues which necessitate stabile hormones.

The reason 'other car companies' can do better is because Ford or Porsche are stabile companies, with a slow change in the number of vehicles over time.

Must be nice to live in the cognitive dissonance where you think your fragile, kludgey, application specific solutions are somehow stabile, well designed, universal tools.

If you want to keep housing prices stabile for people so they're not being thrown out of their homes or displaced, public housing doesn't address that because you don't get the signal that it's a problem until after the displacement has happened.

Stabile definitions


a sculpture having fixed units (usually constructed of sheet metal) and attached to a fixed support


(chemistry, physics, biology) resistant to change


not able or intended to be moved; "the immovable hills"

See also: immovable immoveable unmovable