Unfathomable in a sentence as an adjective

How the term 'pirate' ever could be used to denote kids swapping MP3's, is unfathomable to me. The analogy is ludicrous.

Because of Google+ is unfathomable. Google+ really needs to separate out its services so that running afoul of the Google+ "community standards" dosn't lead to the death of all your Google services.

The UI is terrible, and plenty of the statistics it shows appear to be broken in unfathomable ways. Estimated audience sizes?

Second, it's unfathomable to me to imagine the NSA isn't doing their damnedest to obtain all private keys. I have no idea how many they do have, but it seems foolish to assume they don't have a specific private key.

In the end, Kip Litton is indeed a dentist from somewhere in Michigan, who for some unfathomable reason decided to start cheating at marathon races for amateurs. And that's it.

But all the Mac had was an 'interrupt' switch that dropped you into an unfathomable console. It was a very discouraging feeling; it had never occurred to me that there could be a computer that didn't let you write programs.

That's a couple USA GDPs. Okay, I think a yottabyte clearly can't be what they mean because that's just unfathomable. They also mention a 1 million sqft facility.

The associated waste of resources is unfathomable in the startup world but seems to be common with federal contracting. 1.

It's also incredibly visible in any diff viewer, so how such a checkin could have gone in without being noticed is just unfathomable.

The militarization of our police, and draconian and unfathomable laws and sentencing requirements. The TSA, which is pure theater in service of fear.

Otherwise APIs and languages expand at an unfathomable rate. Imagine if every API or language you ever used had features both added and removed over time to make it a better language.

Well, in my opinion, based on countless conversations I've had with these individuals and others, it's practically unfathomable that any of them actually succeed in going "straight". It's not rocket science.

\nIt's almost unfathomable how much of what is reported is deliberate misquotes or out of context statements unless you've dealt with reporters.

It's not unfathomable that a person in this situation might look at ******* as the only way to regain control of their life, even if it means ending it prematurely. ******* for a defendant can, therefore, seem almost enticing.

A migration to Python 3 is unfathomable. However my workstation's primary Python is 3.

At this point, I find it unfathomable that Congress doesn't seem to have even noticed that the tech industry is imploding on itself with the ridiculousness of it all. Yes, they have lots of fish to fry right now, but if they can spend time arguing about incandescent light bulbs [1], surely there must be some time on the legislature to sort this mess out?

There's all sorts of enterprise-class big data simulation products out there where you can simulate an environment in extremely fine-grained fashion using a near-unfathomable amount of data points. -- TL;DR - The notion that NSA isn't getting everything is laughable.

I find it unfathomable that Congress doesn't seem to have even noticed that the tech industry is imploding on itself with the ridiculousness of it all. You find it unfathomable that Congress, a body largely composed of lawyers, is not reacting to one of the greatest stimulus packages for lawyers? I would find it unfathomable if they changed the status quo.

When you are, by pure randomness, lucky enough to be living in a part of the world where these horrible acts are distant enough to barely register on the press radar, reading about these things do seem unfathomable, almost fake. Most of what I've heard about North Korea in the past has focused on their bizarre cult of personality and generally bizarre culture.

In Haskell, you can go crazy with really awesome static typing tricks that would be utterly unfathomable if the language wasn't very rigid in every other way -- immutable, referentially transparent, side-effect-tracking. These two pack all their craziness into one corner of the language.

There is plenty of wealth in the world, maybe a quadrillion dollars or some unfathomable number, so if the game is to be part of that, it's a more effective strategy for people to share it with you of their own accord than to somehow win it from them through sport. I guess that's why I'm starting to have more and more doubts that the startup scene can create the kind of world I want to live in, even though it's one of the best tools we've got right now.

Discoveries such as vaccines, antibiotics, surgery, genetics and others have allowed humans to enjoy a standard of living unfathomable even a hundred years ago. If politicians had any vision whatsoever, they would have instigated a New Deal with massive investment in scientific and engineering research projects.

Mathematics "exists" because giving someone the genuine experience of doing mathematics when they really weren't would involve a simulation of almost unfathomable complexity. There is a very real truth in the statement that '1 + 1 = 2', or the statement that there are arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions of prime numbers, or any number of other mathematical results.

I don't really want to come across as hostile to the views of such a well respect physicist, but this article represents the view which is often held by those who are very intelligent yet lack the actual study of AI. Anybody who has actually, or is currently, studying AI will know that there are fundamental differences in programming "AI" and some self aware magic computation which is almost entirely unfathomable. With current knowledge, at least, the only way to have any sort of learning is to design and implement algorithms to do so.

Unfathomable definitions


of depth; not capable of being sounded or measured


resembling an abyss in depth; so deep as to be unmeasurable; "the abyssal depths of the ocean"

See also: abysmal abyssal


impossible to come to understand