Draconian in a sentence as an adjective

Now, I know that this sounds harsh and draconian at first.

]That doesn't mean that such draconian cultures are unsuccessful, just the opposite.

Non-draconian user agents can, of course, chose to recover from this error.

The more accurately you can tell the innocent from the guilty, the less draconian you need to be with the innocent.

Until this model changes, their A content won't see the light of day, and more draconian measures are likely to be put in place to thwart piracy.

Rents wouldn't be going up so fast if these protestors were protesting draconian building and zoning laws instead of Google employees.

Despite his questionable handling of the situation, I don't support that kind of draconian punishment.

In fact many really awful "artists" make millions, seemingly supported by draconian acts of government.

Apple has a long history of supporting draconian IP policies, and has a business model built around controlling what you can do with what you bought.

You fire the first shot of a War that you never had to fight in the first place and one that will only hasten the urgency with which even more draconian legislation would be pursued.

And that is why they want such draconian laws applied to the Internet, when such laws, as the author of the subject article accurately points out, would never fly in the non-internet realm.

If Rick Santorum becomes president, I think the eradication of porn from the Internet will be a quaint footnote compared to the other draconian things that'll come to pass.

If citizens living in the states are subject to draconian security measures and it doesn't much seem to matter what sorts of protests there are then it's only going to be worse for people who are more out-of-sight.

The militarization of our police, and draconian and unfathomable laws and sentencing requirements.

The aim is precisely to force the government into ever more draconian measures which alienate the population and build support for the terrorists - to force the government to try to fight a war on the terrorists' terms.

"Also, in another blog post Sam Ruby makes the point that the draconian error checking that is mandatory for XML also makes it impossible to develop those technologies that supporters of XML were excited about.

There is still a fair bit of frustration out there with law enforcement though, as they continue to impose draconian and orwellian systems but haven't implemented the low hanging fruit in policy changes for actually dealing with this ****.

The danger of a surveillance state is not the obscure chance of a truly evil person abusing the system; rather, the actual threat, the real danger, is a person with good intentions who believes that their draconian actions are morally justified and prudent.

Oftentimes, the reason for this is that those hotels were particularly early in offering their guests internet access but then bought into a draconian external service provider with awful service, high fees, very long contract duration, and slow speed.

Draconian definitions


of or relating to Draco or his harsh code of laws; "Draconian measures"

See also: Draconian