Quadrillion in a sentence as a noun

Breaking a 2048-bit key would take something like 200 quadrillion dollars worth of CPU time.

This means that there are 21 quadrillion unitary elements.

Even if you pay me a quadrillion nigerian dollars.

A miniscule percentage of half a quadrillion dollars nets a few million for research, marketing & salaries.

/opinionAlso: if the Bitcoin unit had been redefined so that the maximum number was 21 quadrillion, we might not have this debate.

This is a capitalist society, put your capital to work.>I was astonished to find that they're now a quadrillion!Notional value.

To be honest, i feel like git really needs better wrappers or a better GUI or better defaults.\nThere shouldn't be a quadrillion command flags to know for simple tasks like this.

Artisanal bitcoins!They're 67 quadrillion times more expensive, but they're all natural and locally-sourced.

"> Of course, this leads to the obvious question: whatever error-detecting mechanism would be triggered...why isn't it in place at the point which the $92 quadrillion transaction is credited?

This means that to emulate the near one quadrillion connections in the human brain would take about $10B today, assuming they can scale this system by 5 orders of magnitude with the same connections per dollar.

That's 100 trillion quadrillion quadrillion quadrillion quadrillion possible values.

On an exponential growth curve, even improving your civilization's energy efficiency by a factor of a hundred quadrillion still only buys you a blip on the scale on cosmic time scales before you start wanting to expand again.

There is plenty of wealth in the world, maybe a quadrillion dollars or some unfathomable number, so if the game is to be part of that, it's a more effective strategy for people to share it with you of their own accord than to somehow win it from them through sport.

With a 128 bit salt, there is a one in a million chance of a collision occurring in a set of 26 quadrillion.>UserName + PassWord + User ID + CreationDate + from a Base64 encode of the users first and last name>That is just incredibly low entropy compared to a random string of bits.

Quadrillion definitions


the number that is represented as a one followed by 24 zeros; "in England they call a septillion a quadrillion"


the number that is represented as a one followed by 15 zeros