Undervalue in a sentence as a verb

If this isn't a lesson on "Don't undervalue your product", I don't know what is.

It's just that you can buy less iPods with risk than you can buy with cash, so you mentally overvalue cash and undervalue the lack of risk.

As people continue to undervalue their data and put up with advertising we'll increasingly see this logic.

"Now you have a way to both not string them along if you're $20K apart and to not let them accidentally undervalue their own worth by a significant amount.

Isn't this the site where everyone is always saying you undervalue yourself and should raise your prices?I actively position myself as a discounter.

The point is you will always undervalue the contribution you're currently making while overvaluing the contributions you could be making.

The HN community rages about how business people always undervalue their technical contributions.

Many, many engineers severely undervalue themselves for a variety of reasons.

In today's "everything digital, everything asynchronous" world, I think we seriously undervalue to importance of being there with people.

Underselling waterMunicipal water prices set by local government greatly undervalue the actual rarity of water.

Are you against that as well?In this context discrimination refers to a systemic tendency to undervalue a particular class of people for reasons unrelated to their ability to contribute.

Villette and Vuillermot go on, "The businessman looks for partners to a transaction who do not have the same definition as he of the value of the goods exchanged, that is, who undervalue what they sell to him or overvalue what they buy from him in comparison to his own evaluation.

Undervalue definitions


assign too low a value to; "Don't underestimate the value of this heirloom-you may sell it at a good price"

See also: underestimate


esteem lightly


lose in value; "The dollar depreciated again"

See also: depreciate devaluate devalue