Depreciate in a sentence as a verb

With cars you can just buy them used and sell them before they depreciate too much.

It takes years to depreciate your software assets.

Suffice it to say that most Bitcoin miners have to depreciate not deduct.

Toyota & Honda depreciate the least, but BMW is pretty close.

Their choice of three years was the same as the period over which businesses depreciate assets.

Other services manage to version their APIs and depreciate them gracefully.

In periods of inflation, currencies depreciate in value compared to gold or "baskets" of goods.

The same residual value percentage as the iconic Mercedes S Class, one of the finest premium sedans in the world They make this sound good, but it's not: fancier cars depreciate faster than regular cars.

Maybe a simpler explain was that Ireland was in deeper trouble, part of it due to being bound to a currency which could not depreciate, since most of the "weight" was outside Ireland, in a german speaking country of continental europe.

Currencies that either rapidly appreciate or rapidly depreciate are both ill suited for any kind of real commerce - people need relatively stable pricing to conduct any kind of direct business in fiat money.

OpenGL is a great example, with how the version 3 line was rife with attempts to depreciate the fixed function legacy cruft, and even today few developers properly differentiate compatibility and core profiles.

Depreciate definitions


belittle; "The teacher should not deprecate his student's efforts"

See also: deprecate vilipend


lower the value of something; "The Fed depreciated the dollar once again"


lose in value; "The dollar depreciated again"

See also: undervalue devaluate devalue