Under in a sentence as an adjective

More than that, it's telling that the company threw him under the bus when it happened.

If you can link to a case number, we can at least try to understand or explain what happened.

And at the end of the day, the only true creativity is the one that comes out of understanding.

If you're under the impression that wealth cannot be created, then any wealth that Jews get is wealth that people like you don't have.

Yet, even without understanding it, I know there are people who wish I didn't exist who don't even know me.

"""Before assuming that you are smarter than the old guy, you ought to make sure that you really understand the problem.

That's why our data is freely available and licensed under creative commons.

There is probably no better person on earth to light a user- and product-focused fire under Yahoo.

So what I did was reduce my price by a few dollars every hour for one day until everybody was priced under $5.

"""Email synchronization is a fool's errand; but there seem to be an abundant supply of fools that undertake it.

Also, it is not authorized by the constitution, and thus every act of seizure under it is criminal act.

At no time did this office ever seek or ever tell Mr. Swartzs attorneys that it intended to seek maximum penalties under the law.

The fallacy that the "creative" arts have been under appreciated in society is the largest piece of bollocks I've ever heard.

Under in a sentence as an adverb

Deaths mean increased regulation, often under the mistaken assumption that more rules would prevent engineers from making bugs.

But such inventions at the concept and functionality level are protectable only under the Patent Act.

> Even though there was no evidence of copying—Vringo admitted as muchWhat a ridiculous system we all operate under.

When you come back from school and drop your bags and you bang out a perfect rendition of Chopin's Prelude No 4, then you truly understand the magnificence of the piano.

HR alternately over- and under-involved in disputes with no clear policy?

The judge finally had to deal with the claim that the SSO constituted a sort of taxonomy that has been held protectable under copyright in other circuit courts.

Clearly a case like this would be incredibly serious, and if this did happen to you I hope you told us and if you did, we were able to understand and fix immediately.> 2.

[1]This is a great example of why we should treat terrorism like any other crime, and why the police should never be trusted with exceptional powers simply because we feel under threat.

This falls under the umbrella of cultural fit, which is of course important, but don't mistake that for engineering skill.- I think we can all agree that "logic" puzzles like "how would you move Mount Fuji?

His entire concept of his job revolved around being the authoritative interface for retrieving and maintaining pieces of data that were no longer exclusively under his control.

" Imagine assembling a "A" team of scholars and scientists, getting them to make substantial, substantive contributions in each of their respective areas of expertise, and publishing the results under the guidance of a top editorial board.

Nebulous semi-employee with unspecified responsibilities related to a founder?

Much in the same way, when you've crammed the ifs and elses, the fors and whiles, the variables and constants, the pointers and pointers to pointers, and pointers to functions, and pointers to pointers to pointers to functions, and then you go on to build that thingamabob or model that gene sequence or understand that earthquake, then you realize the true power of what you've been working with.

Under definitions


located below or beneath something else; "nether garments"; "the under parts of a machine"

See also: nether


lower in rank, power, or authority; "an under secretary"


down to defeat, death, or ruin; "their competitors went under"


through a range downward; "children six and under will be admitted free"


into unconsciousness; "this will put the patient under"


in or into a state of subordination or subjugation; "we must keep our disappointment under"


below some quantity or limit; "fifty dollars or under"


below the horizon; "the sun went under"


down below; "get under quickly!"


further down; "see under for further discussion"

See also: below