Imam in a sentence as a noun

Pakistan wasn't created by an imam or cleric.

"Three further shots were fired during the course of the imam's conversation with Oan.

There is a separate religious police, who's job it is to enforce the Qu'ran as interpreted by the strict imams.

Saudi Arabia is one of the most fundamentalist Islamic countries, not at the royalty level who rule the country, but at the imam and religious law level.

Let it be known that, as a civilized people, we will not tolerate the barbaric intrusions of emotionally and intellectually stunted children who can be whipped into a murderous frenzy by some priest or imam prattling on about God.

It does generate a certain sentiment, a pessimism, it can take away pockets of dignity, that make a person more susceptible to a crazy imam's rhetoric, but at the end of the day Europe is a pretty brilliant place to live when you're poor.

Imam definitions


(Islam) the man who leads prayers in a mosque; for Shiites an imam is a recognized authority on Islamic theology and law and a spiritual guide

See also: imaum