Undaunted in a sentence as an adjective

Hopefully, most hn readers want it badly enough to remain undaunted and keep coming back for more.

So I find appeals to him as some undaunted supporter of “freedom” specious at best.

And before anyone gets up in arms about, Stallman has freely admitted as much and remains principled and undaunted by that.

Driven by formidable ambition and undaunted spirit, it took da Gama ten whole months, full of dangerous adventures and gripping episodes, to finally hit India’s shores.

Remember that first sword swing that was blocked on screen even as your real-life arm kept swinging, undaunted but by a pithy vibration?I remember other people feeling that way yes, but for myself and some others it felt like a big set a gimmicks.

How about frictionless sharing?It is painfully obvious this company is desperate and undaunted it its efforts to "package peer pressure as a service" they can sell to bring more exposure to brands, with or without users' consent, knowledge or approval.

"Thus did the two with many tears implore their son, but they moved not the heart of Hector, and he stood his ground awaiting huge Achilles as he drew nearer towards him. As serpent in its den upon the mountains, full fed with deadly poisons, waits for the approach of man- he is filled with fury and his eyes glare terribly as he goes writhing round his den- even so Hector leaned his shield against a tower that jutted out from the wall and stood where he was, undaunted.

Undaunted definitions


unshaken in purpose; "wholly undismayed by the commercial failure of the three movies he had made"

See also: undismayed unshaken


resolutely courageous; "undaunted in the face of death"