Pithy in a sentence as an adjective

It's just pithy, enough to capture the front page.

Cold pitches have a much lower chance of working.- Short, pithy emails.

Now, attribute causation and come up with some pithy bullet points.

The "Just code / Just branch / Just works" trifecta is pithy, but it doesn't exactly explain what Bowery offers.

It's rare that I indulge myself in making a pithy remark on HN, but this is one of those rare times I will, karma be damned.

It's a shame that Dr. Ellenberg felt it necessary to end an otherwise good article with such a piece of pithy nonsense.

There's a case for pithy authoritarian messages in others.

I used automatic summarization to try to reduce the article to a pithy tweet and ended up with:"****, I don't know.

But pithy little paragraphs like this explain absolutely nothing.

Hey, I can conjure up random pithy quotes too:"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, usually fail to do so.""The people who don't think they can change the world, sometimes do anyway.

"Reading pithy superficial quotes about startups changed my companies trajectory.

Pithy definitions


concise and full of meaning; "welcomed her pithy comments"; "the peculiarly sardonic and sententious style in which Don Luis composed his epigrams"- Hervey Allen

See also: sententious