Implore in a sentence as a verb

We implore you - act now ! Sign up a friend \nand you get half off .

Which is why I urge you - I implore you. Do not consider this as an option."

Let me implore you. If the area isn't safe, do not even attempt to enter the scene.

And to implore everyone to encrypt their traffic.

As an interaction designer, I implore you: do NOT screw around with forms. Your conversion rates will fall through the floor.

While all this was going down, his manager would come down and talk to the malcontent and implore them to not leave. But the condition was clear, get rid of the ******* or they'd have no choice.

I implore you to invest your time and money to find out. I would honestly love to watch that unfold, and I'd probably install that version as well to see if it fits me.

I implore you, DO NOT make the mistake of underestimating this technology. I do not say this as a fanboy.

When someone finds fault with the way a field conducts itself, I would implore them to constructively influence that field. You might be surprised how many are actually sympathetic to your concerns.

If you are an employer, I implore you to trust me on these two simple points: 1. Finding decent people that are both technically competent and a good culture fit is bloody tough and can take a lot longer than you'd ever expect.

Now a US Army General has been forced to justify the actions of the agency to the staff that remain, to suck up to them, and implore them not to revolt as Snowden did. The content is embarrassing.

Given that you're discussing slitting throats for more equity in other parts of this thread, and previously you've compared Google management to the terrorists that brought down the World Trade Center, I implore you to seek help. Please.

With few changes a letter like this could implore Americans to serve their country by joining the military. Governments compete and economies compete for smart people, apparently India isn't attractive to many of IITs graduates.

I think its easy to romanticize any situation, but I would seriously implore you to reconsider your preconceived notion on the inhabitants of these low income neighborhoods. The more widespread this belief, the fewer intelligent people willing to work to fix these difficult issues.

I implore all developers to learn native Javascript methods, because I strongly believe jQuery has created a generation of developers who know the library but not the language. You'd be surprised how many developers I've come across think iterating over an object or array requires Javascript and how many people don't know how to write a simple for or while loop in Javascript.

If you haven't yet, I thereby implore you to consider "what could I learn about my best friend if I had their entire contact list": looking at it from the vaguely mischievous and voyeuristic stance of it being someone else's data might make it simpler to envision why that person might not want you to know all of that information. If that fails, then try to think about it from the perspective of a thief or an evil employer.

He can suggest, plead, and implore, but someone else has to actually take the responsibility for the action and order something to occur. This is a discussion, not a Court of Law, so let me state my view clearly: Kim Dotcom created an extensive enterprise aimed specifically at violating copyrights while attempting to shield the enterprise with the minimum amount of "compliance" they could get away with.

I implore you to turn on "show dead" and gaze upon our "shadow people", check their comment history and notice about half of them got **** banned for some rather petty reason, and are currently being made to waste hours of their time writing comments before realizing nobody reads them. The other half might have actually deserved some sort of disciplinary action, but a hellban is actually less effective than a regular one except in some quite rare situations[1].

I've encountered many people, including licensed doctors, that mock and denigrate people with this condition, and if you are one of those people I would implore you to rethink your position. We know very little about the connection between our physical and mental well-being, but at this point it's incredibly clear that there is a very strong link, and that mental issues can cause very real, physically observable and empirically testable problems.

I would implore you to investigate whether its your own discomfort that you're trying to avoid, rather than upsetting children who will invariably see penises before you want them to. To me it seems likely that something will happen that will disturb them and leave an impression -- this could be an accidental glance at something they weren't meant to see, a discarded piece of porn, driving past an adult bookstore when the door is open, or it could be something more intentional and malicious.

Implore definitions


call upon in supplication; entreat; "I beg you to stop!"

See also: pray