Typify in a sentence as a verb

To me those guys typify a group that gets it. They've adapted their strengths to thrive in the new era.

Looking at the response the students had to the "dangerous space" flier, seems to typify free speech. Why shouldn't they ask the university to condemn the flier?

There is nothing special going on here, it's just how we organize and typify common themes and patterns. Organic has a precise meaning to the chemist.

Stuff that tends to typify the worthless startup guys. That kind of high-performance environment is all about the team, not the individual.

I don't know the specifics, I imagine more cronyistic backroom patent deals that typify our broken patent system.

Why do you have to de-typify Typescript dependencies? You can mix typed and untyped code with a gradual typing approach, and tools like webpack make this very easy?

In consumer tech, they are the giants, and they are not even close to the parity in products or corporate culture that typify the markets you've chosen. Consumer tech is not a mature market.

I just started with that example as something I knew about that seemed to typify the popular imagination of how it might be used.

Whether it's worth giving up democracy in attempt to address these shortcomings, I'm not so sure; seems that would typify a hyperfocus on the bad times.

You certainly should not typify anyone on Wall St as "harmful," especially when you do not know exactly what they are doing. The article does not explain what the high frequency traders, specifically, are doing.

These high frequency traders typify the harmful Wall St. attitude with which America's twenty-somethings are enamored. It really needs to stop.

And, I think the decisions made to arrive at a universal standard are a combination of top down and "perfect" that typify nineteenth century science. Earth doesn't have a 40,000km circumference, but it doesn't matter because anyone who needs a precise measurement will use some sort of aid.

For some more context, I've seen many threads on Reddit that typify an adversarial system. The posters would brag about cheating, and would justify it by saying the course material was ******** and the professors were unreasonable and the degree was just gatekeeping.

You can typify untyped code, but you can't untypify typed code. because typify is to make constraints and untypify is real life, I mean, a window is a house device and a computer device, the meaning window relies on other information of context besides type.

Both Ariane V and Shuttle typify this, with almost all liftoff thrust from the solids, and a small, expensive hydrogen-burning engine continuing to most of orbital velocity. For the shuttle, this was aimed at reusablility, they could do most of their work on expensive engines, and not need to pay that cost every flight.

Seriously, modern day copyright pirates are much simpler to typify than the Caribbean Pirates were. Copyright pirates today are using technology to treat copyrighted media like Free-to-Air and DVRing it and fast forwarding through commercials.

However, these same traits typify boys who are traditionally masculine in their behavior. Parents somehow have to ask the uncomfortable question in the doctors office: Is he high-functioning autistic or really a more masculine-identified boy?"

In general, I would definitely not typify Apple as a company that gets to the fight first, but rather one that changes the fight when it gets there. That was true of the iPhone in the smart phone market, true of the iPod in the mp3 market, true of the iPad in the tablet market, and will likely be true of whatever special sauce Apple is planning for mobileme in the virtual locker market.

I suppose the congressional smugness around how everything would be okay if we didn't have disobedient progress is more an example of what radicals in the 1930s feared, but it does typify the challenges that peacetime societies face. Anyway, that was a long way to get at the point that I agree with you that A Brave New World is a more plausible scenario than 1984 right now at least.

I can't possibly follow the whirlwind of immediately forgotten "scandals" that typify American political news, nor can I or do I want to spend all my time watching CNN or obsessively following other US news outlets. I'm not even in the US. But the summarisation of what's happening Taibbi does is useful to me because the meta-story of what's happening with the distribution of news is interesting and relevant.

If you haven't yet, you should do machine learning on actual job postings from companies that typify certain undesirable traitsassume Oracle is synonymous with "hates freedom"; one could find common words and phrases from Oracle job postings and add them to a "hates freedom" rule.

On the contrary, I wish there were more companies that obsessed about creating polished, highly-functional products that run a little behind the technological curve, rather than the slapped-together assemblages of new parts from Asian electronics manufacturers' supply catalog that typify the industry.

While Western governments and media have long criticized Singapore's draconian laws and its low tolerance for all crime, it has to be said that the prosperous city-state has been highly effective at warding off the ill effects of lax criminal jurisprudence and enforcement that typify, with the exception of an absurdly oil-rich Norway or two, almost all developed Western societies. It pays to give our approach to crime and sentencing another look before we blissfully laud ourselves for 'upholding' some imaginary ethos governing human dignity at the cost of rampant societal maladies that continue to plague us, while in reality, doing a sloppy job at both.

Typify definitions


embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical example of; "The fugue typifies Bach's style of composition"

See also: epitomize epitomise


express indirectly by an image, form, or model; be a symbol; "What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?"

See also: symbolize symbolise represent