Epitomize in a sentence as a verb

And you epitomize it. Yes "bro" they saw this.

Because I epitomize "think outside the box". You see, there are a number of different bus styles [...

Apologies to all teenagers, I know you're tired of being used to epitomize offenders all the time. I told you you'd regret that whole lawn incident.

Except for HP--they 'don't play it safe'; They epitomize \nthe two year laptop, and even two years is a stretch. \nAt this point, I want longevity over something gimmicky.

Cars in a dense urban area epitomize the tragedy of the commons. Buses and delivery trucks are the only vehicles that must have access to the street.

The only downside to getting a job at a large, research oriented company is that these places are often cube farms that epitomize office space and dilbert comic strips. I guess thats why you leave after a few years and go to grad school

Their margins are incredibly low, their P/E ratio is way out of whack, and they seem to epitomize the old "we'll make it up on volume" angle that proved so helpful in 2000. Maybe they just want to be like a grocery chain that ekes out a 1-3% margin.

What should be understood as well is that figures like Gandhi epitomize this behaviour. He's commonly misunderstood.

It does epitomize the difference between Apple, which just goes and writes the check and Google, who seem intent on following Microsoft down a road of "embrace and extend".

Unions also, at their best, epitomize a characteristic oft lauded as an American ideal: When the chips are down, we "rouged individualist" Americans step up and take care of each other. We're in this together.

Instead of giving you a laundry list of examples, here are a couple of examples which I think epitomize Apple's UX: They just gave OS X the ability to resize application windows by any edge or corner like 3 - 4 years ago. Seriously.

Kingdom Hearts, Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, Rayman, Tak - I think those all epitomize the type of game you are referencing, you just stopped playing that type of game because you grew out of them. Also, if you'd tried to play those games there would likely be plenty of peer pressure to keep you away, teenage boys are good at peer pressure like that.

I'm having real trouble seeing how these examples are supposed to support his point; to my mind they epitomize the trope of 'burdensome knowledge borne by a few.' There are some great ideas in this piece and as an occasional screenwriter I think these are quite Important Ideas, but it needs to back into the oven for a while.

Both epitomize the idea of click/reward perfected by the Diablo series, but the end game of Mafia Wars is laughably boring, it's no different than the early and mid game. Actual PVP for domination of control points seems like a straightforward addition but I guess they don't need to mess with something so popular right now.

It's a sore subject, particularly on HN, because it calls into question the meritocracy Americans want to believe they epitomize. Suffice it to say that, while the examples you relate were significant and infamous, such sabotage also manifests insidiously in smaller ways.

Com/2011/04/03/facebook-comments-epitomize... The flipside to this is that there have been a number of articles from TC praising the new comment system, so it's not entirely negative; but I found this article to be really interesting nonetheless.

The company is ironic because they say they want to be a new, humane kind of tech company, don't explain what they do, and have a site and vibe that epitomize modern sv tech, almost to the level of the "tables" pied piper commercial on silicon valley. If they want to be different they could explain what they do and not talk vaguely about changing how we interact with tech while showing smiling people walking through fields.

Because I epitomize "think outside the box". You see, there are a number of different bus styles - are we talking a BlueBird full length or their Handicapped Plus series - ways to fill the bus - after all if I am allowed to tamp and pack I'll get a lot more of them in and we need to account for that - and of course golf balls are not all the same size - though they are close but when you're talking literally thousands of them the differences add up.

Type inference, polymorphic typing, structural types -- the available tools in a comprehensive type system are woefully under-explored by most practitioners who consider Java to epitomize type systems.

My observations is that the company had some very technically brilliant people, but also a lot of people that epitomize the super smart MBA that but nave MBA that can understand high level business models and financial cleverness, but that are terrible business people because they are completely oblivious to the skill that all great business people have and that is empathy for your customer. This is ridiculous.

Now people follow the people that they feel epitomize the precepts of the identity they agree with most which means naturally the popular people to follow must either become purer representations of the ideology or become less popular than those who are willing to adopt a more refined tankie, neo-****, athletic, techie, or what have you interests based persona. And many many people still believe strongly in the marketplace of ideas.

Quote Examples using Epitomize

It was the language that kind of characterized or epitomized what FP was really about. There were other languages that were functional, but they were only sort of functional. And of course, I'm talking about languages like Scala, or JavaScript. Those were the two major competitors during the same mid 2000s." I guess this guy has never heard of OCaml or SML. Though Haskell was a leader in the FP field, it was never the only language to epitomize FP.


Epitomize definitions


embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical example of; "The fugue typifies Bach's style of composition"

See also: typify epitomise