Transferrable in a sentence as an adjective

I also still use my Windows Photoshop license since it was expensive, and not transferrable to OS X.

"Oracle's licence agreement did clearly say that the licence was non-transferrable, and they lost.

Understandably so, they did not like me taking advantage of their transferrable warranties.

That health coverage is tied to employment creates a fixed cost on employers per-employee, rather than a transferrable marginal cost.

I've been building apps professionally on GAE for the last year, and one of the reasons I'm leaving my job is because the knowledge is non-transferrable and the platform is not really growing, as far as I can tell.

Money is just a way of making value liquid, fungible and transferrable etc.; the amount of it specifically is relatively meaningless, as banks etc. can multiply it based on reserve ratios.

If nothing else, why not make the licenses non-transferrable and auction the available licenses?Seems like they're missing out on an easy source of income by letting third parties benefit from the restricted supply.

Bitcoin uses cryptography and peer to peer technologies in a very clever way to create the first internet transferrable, widely accepted currency where you don't need to trust someone else like a government or a bank.

Transferrable definitions


capable of being moved or conveyed from one place to another

See also: movable moveable transferable transportable


legally transferable to the ownership of another; "negotiable bonds"

See also: assignable conveyable negotiable transferable