Transferable in a sentence as an adjective

Bring them over, abuse them, threaten to fire them if they don't work their asses off, and leave them with no transferable job skills.

As a result, this warranty was transferable - there were no questions asked.

The problem seems to be a basic misconception about how transferable software skills are.

Furthermore, customers cannot sell the car or the guarantee is lost; it's not transferable to a new owner.

Terms are too long, they have no requirement of actually bringing a patented idea to market, and they are transferable.

If you were buying units still under warranty and Apple had transferable warranties then I'm not sure what they let you off the hook from.

He hadn't been employed in over 3 years and had no transferable skills from his old job and in the past three years had not developed any new skills.

It's been replaced with the phrase "transferable, sub-licensable" license.

Moreover, the core ideas are fairly transferable between the two: you'll find that learning OCaml after Haskell or Haskell after OCaml is relatively easy.

>The knowledge obtained in most of them is not easily transferable to other technology stacks.\n\nThis is like complaining that French courses leave you unable to converse in German.

This kind of thinking turns each problem and its solution into an opportunity for reflection and for developing transferable reasoning tools.

As the 'key man' in an enterprise that suddenly found itself atop $100MM+ in easily-transferable assets, his feared threats may have included kidnapping/extortion to force disclosure of the keys.

There'll probably come a time when the Congress will get involved, and mandate that any personal data that was provided by the user should be transferable to another server upon the user's request.

“That’s what the IRS wants to avoid.”I think demanding over 40% tax on a trivially worldwide transferable, hard to track, easy to secretly manufacture commodity is exactly the best way to create black market.

Transferable definitions


capable of being moved or conveyed from one place to another

See also: movable moveable transferrable transportable


legally transferable to the ownership of another; "negotiable bonds"

See also: assignable conveyable negotiable transferrable