Assignable in a sentence as an adjective

>Edit: ok there is a limit of 21million bitcoins by 2030, and a world assignable wealth of ~210 trillion USD.

Doctors ran tests but never found a root cause - it was just high for no assignable reason and I was told to take meds.

I've looked at rvalue reference, and it seems to return an assignable pointer to do other thing from a function.

Well, you can promote him, and then he'll be theoretically "assignable" to design any project.

I mean is it feasible that bitcoins could really work?Edit: ok there is a limit of 21million bitcoins by 2030, and a world assignable wealth of ~210 trillion USD.

It seems like the license was assignable at no cost to the parent company, they just didn't actually do that because they were in a rush to sell.

As a publicity stunt to drive the conversation about rights versus rights assignable entities it seems to have achieved that objective.

[1] In the graphical representation of the object, we can distinguish\n method slots from data slots, and constant slots from assignable\n slots, by the icon in the button at the right hand of the slot.\n\nHuh?

Harper's idea is that declarative languages are ones with "mathematical variables" instead of just "computer science-y assignables or slots".I don't care whether or not that's your definition of declarative as well, but I think variable v. assignable is a very nice, hard distinction between languages.

He might however assert without the smallest chance of being contradicted by a future fact, that no carnation or anemone could ever by cultivation be increased to the size of a large cabbage; and yet there are assignable quantities much greater than a cabbage.

If you think it's a first-world problem, ask yourself what the situation in a third-world or repressive government would be where all search and email traffic would be individually assignable and identifiable as it passed through the national firewall and surveillance systems.

Assignable definitions


legally transferable to the ownership of another; "negotiable bonds"

See also: conveyable negotiable transferable transferrable