Toughie in a sentence as a noun

I find that one a toughie to swallow as stated.

Good luck on your decision -- it's a toughie!

For this one it would be, thus making the pricing work right for everybody would be a toughie.

Also, in the comments on his blog post introducing that paper, he says:> Well, yes, “the fact of experience” is a toughie!

Even if she knows that you are much more likely to get better after her little story than if she said/did nothing?It's a toughie.

This is a toughie to imagine scenarios where an invisible man would stop crime, especially if you want to remain unknown.

I'm hoping to combine this with a lack of understanding on false dichotomy to foster both respect and free thinking... Which are somewhat incongruous goals, so it's a toughie.

It would be difficult to definitively know without, I think, accurate computational modeling of societies and that's a toughie, I don't know if anyone has tried that.

>I'm not sure it makes sense any more to teach C to beginnersGood thing I'm not writing it for beginners.>I'll probably be releasing code from my first medium-sized C project in a week or so... anyone care to offer tips on how to get more experienced eyeballs on it?Uh, that's a toughie actually.

Toughie definitions


an aggressive and violent young criminal

See also: hood hoodlum goon punk thug tough strong-armer


a particularly difficult or baffling question or problem

See also: poser stumper sticker