Hoodlum in a sentence as a noun

Guy seemed to be dressed like a hoodlum in all images I can see in the article.

I think I agree with your main point but your use of the word hoodlum is disconcerting.

Wearing 49ers jacket and hat in San Francisco is dressing like a hoodlum?

A hoodlum will only know how to drive stick if he/she has had access to one and someone to teach them.

At least that distinction implies it's not all cyclists, just the "hoodlum" variety.

Are you of the impression that hoodlums don't exist, or that they're not more common in poor communities?

That makes sense, for the same reason that pickpockets rarely look like seedy hoodlum types, and instead blend in with the crowd.

Still one of the common criticisms is "young hoodlums on bikes terrorising the neighbourhood".

> When I was a young hoodlum, one time I took a piece of a paper shopping bag, wrote my home address on it, and dropped it in a mailbox.

When I was a young hoodlum, one time I took a piece of a paper shopping bag, wrote my home address on it, and dropped it in a mailbox.

Do African-Americans "talk like hoodlums" because that's how hoodlums talk or is that your image of how hoodlums talk?

The issue with it, is if you have good hearing and aren't a young "hoodlum" it'll drive you crazy if you're hanging around having a smoke, or meeting friends.

You live in the Bay area?Up here in Mass, I tend to see Android devices being carried by unpleasant, street hoodlum types, which I guess to be a consequence of and reinforce the "iPhone knockoff" image associated with them.

Maybe in situations where someone throws a beach ball in front of your car and your immediate split-second reaction is to turn your car into a ****** weapon directed at the first "hoodlum" you spot who may or may not have thrown this ball.

Hoodlum definitions


an aggressive and violent young criminal

See also: hood goon punk thug tough toughie strong-armer