Dichotomy in a sentence as a noun

Of course this is a false dichotomy, but one I encounter quite a lot.

It's funny you would make a dichotomy between the "old guard" and the "hipsters", and blame the latter for the problems of the new Google Maps.

There's never been a dichotomy between organic and mechanical.

And I'm not going back to managing my own memory anytime soon"The choice between C and Go, given that Go is garbage collected, is a false dichotomy.

This is dubious; the whole "higher education vs. entrepreneurship" discourse is a false dichotomy.

The field of possible applications is broad, and may tentatively be split into an entertainment-advertisement dichotomy.

So this false dichotomy of "creatives" and mechanistic science robots propped up by people who simply don't want to learn math and are mad that not knowing math and science is less of a badge of honor in society anymore misses the point.

Dichotomy definitions


being twofold; a classification into two opposed parts or subclasses; "the dichotomy between eastern and western culture"

See also: duality