Telegraphy in a sentence as a noun

He wanted to do wireless telegraphy across the Atlantic.

Also not trying to send too quickly at first, and listening more than sending until one acquires a sense of what good telegraphy sounds like.

Or a "wireless telegraphy" machine?\nIf you want to make an informed decision you need information.

Discrete channels with a finite number of symbols are good for telegraphy, but telegraphy is 100 years old, hardly a good research topic.

It looks like they took the ITA2 telegraphy code, which has the numbers in normal order but the letters in typewriter order, and re-sorted it so that the letters are alphabetical.

In the absence of effective regulation in the 19th century, Western Union seized an effective monopoly on telegraphy.

In addition to the telephony and telegraphy mode, the UT 3000 offers unique features such as own noise measurement, horizontal distance measurement and transmission of SOS signals.

Firearms replaced crossbows, steamships replaced sailing ships, telephones replaced telegraphy, paper replaced parchment, planes, trucks, and cars replaced rail transport, and plastic replaced metal, wood and glass in many products or parts.

It would be innovator's dilemma IF they saw voice as inferior to telegraphy, for instance, if quality and quantity of information transfer were seen as lower, and less accurate than morse code.

Radio telegraphy was being introduced, with the promise of improving the safety of shipping at sea and allowing market and strategic information to be pinged around the globe without the need for wires.

For example, the 1909 Physics prize to Marconi/Braun "in recognition of their contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy" or the 1912 Physics prize to Gustaf Dalen "for his invention of automatic regulators for use in conjunction with gas accumulators for illuminating lighthouses and buoys".

Humanity is feeling that and fighting against it, it has, to disable the ghostly between humans, and to achieve the natural communication, the peace of souls, invented the train, the car, the airplane, but it's too late, apparently they are inventions made while falling, the opponent is so much calmer and stronger, and invented after mail the telegraph, the telephone, wireless telegraphy.

Telegraphy definitions


communicating at a distance by electric transmission over wire


apparatus used to communicate at a distance over a wire (usually in Morse code)

See also: telegraph