Dilemma in a sentence as a noun

This is a false dilemma and a straw man.

"I'm not sure this approach is "right", but it's what I've been doing in the face of the dilemma you mention.

"The wizard nods sagely, and asks, "And what would you propose that will solve this obvious dilemma?

"I have solved this political dilemma in a very direct way: I don't vote.

If it's not on there, I feel like I've done my due diligence and have no ethical dilemma with pirating.

As technologists we want to think there is a technical solution to this dilemma, but there isn't.

" Working remotely allows me to take a walk and do some groceries while I mull over the dilemma that has been bothering me.

"Together they flew to New York City to confront the executive officers of Citicorp with the dilemma.

It's a prisoner's dilemma degenerating into a tragedy of the commons.

Isn't there a positive way out of this dilemma?-When some one brings up something sad or bad that has happened is "I'm sorry to hear that" or "Don't worry, it will get better" really enough of a response?

This is going to be one of those wonderful games of iterated group prisoner's dilemma, in which one member of a formerly functioning cartel has just publicly announced an intention to always play Defect.

The model shows that the arms race is not only socially wasteful – a prisoner’s dilemma built directly into the market design – but moreover that its cost is ultimately borne by investors via wider spreads and thinner markets.

Dilemma definitions


state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options

See also: quandary