Subcutaneous in a sentence as an adjective

The subcutaneous structures are, from what I've read, basically the same as the surface ridges and crests.

In Sweden I'm on a subcutaneous treatment that greatly improves my quality of life.

Much of the development after that is external: hair, subcutaneous fat, etc.

Maybe subcutaneous micro-sd card, with some sort of medical-grade coating?

Does HGH really absorb from the guts?I thought the usual way to administer HGH is a subcutaneous injection.

Well, I can say that my waist size didn't increase, and no one by visual inspection could point to any subcutaneous fat deposits.

The subcutaneous treatments are starting in America, but slowly and not as widely as they are relied in Sweden.

These are oral dosages, mind you, whereas the study used subcutaneous injection, which amplifies the effect of the drug further.

What really matters is the relationship between two tissue types, subcutaneous fat and skeletal muscle.

If you need more computing power in the loop, you'd have another smartphone sized device in the patients pocket, getting the wireless feed from the camera, processing it and streaming to the subcutaneous one.

Want to test subcutaneous vs intravenous delivery kinetics?

Diffusion from subcutaneous tissue into the bloodstream depends mostly on the molar mass, and insulin monomers are quantized; diffusing half of a monomer would be faster, but it wouldn't be useful.

Weight loss that doesn't "stick" is probably more dangerous than not losing, because it tends to focus as visceral fat instead of subcutaneous fat; and, unfortunately, study after study[1] show that dieting does not result in long-term weight loss[2].1.

Subcutaneous definitions


relating to or located below the epidermis; "hypodermic needle"; "subcutaneous implant"

See also: hypodermic