Hypodermic in a sentence as a noun

Kids should not be able to play with hypodermic needles.

If you don't live there, you're not going to care about hypodermic needles on the street as much.

If I wanted, I could get my medicine in pill or hypodermic form.

""They stick used hypodermic needles in your urethra once a week.

And here I've thought the sore arm was your body reacting to a hypodermic needle going into your upper arm muscles.

Eh, any $1 hypodermic needle is sufficient to inject poison into wine.

Where do you get the nuts and bolts, the potting soil, the hypodermic needles, the aluminum and steel, the fertilizer...?

Hypodermic in a sentence as an adjective

' A hypodermic syringe filled with iodine or formaldehyde is injected through a 5cm needle directly into the soft part of the baby's head as it crowns.

Just stick a little hypodermic needle with a lethal dose of morphine onto its manipulator, and Spot slips easily into the role of the mechanical hound.

"Why do we think we have the right to blast our junk into space?Who does the cleanup when a rocket explodes after launch and covers Florida/Guyana/Khazakstan in used diapers and hypodermic needles?

"The adage is that unless the woman has a hypodermic needle sticking out of her arm when she comes into the courtroom, she is getting sole physical custody and the father will be a visitor," said one attorney.

I really enjoy the ritual of cooking up my heroin in a spoon, watching it bubble and then seeing the tasty liquid sucked up into the hypodermic; then searching for a vein that hasn't already collapsed and inserting the needle.

The fact is that modern medicine has known about the true dangers of narcotics in a reasonably extensive way since the 1860s Civil War, as this was the first time that both 'refined' narcotics and the hypodermic needle were used in combination in a big way.

Hypodermic definitions


a piston syringe that is fitted with a hypodermic needle for giving injections

See also: hypo


relating to or located below the epidermis; "hypodermic needle"; "subcutaneous implant"

See also: subcutaneous