Stunted in a sentence as an adjective

Introverts obviously don't think their lives are lonely or stunted.

It creates a mentally stunted world in which the most complicated thought you can think is one sentence long.

The rest of us look at **** like 'negging' and see that the whole thing's a tactic to get the emotionally damaged to sleep with the socially stunted.

"Over 40 percent of those 5 and under are stunted — meaning they are in the bottom 2 to 3 percent of the worldwide height distribution for their age and sex"Argh.

Is the implication that being around gay people makes one asexual, or that gay people abuse children such that they grow up sexually stunted, or something?

It needs to be hooked up to a fairly sophisticated hydroponic system to keep it alive and their growth will be stunted by the restrictions placed on the root ball.

German military production was stunted during WW2 by the bombing of ball-bearing factories.

One memorable moment that stunted my growth as a programmer for a while: She actually, I **** you not, told us that all the programming jobs were being offshored to India and that we shouldn't bother.

I have had to deal with peers more socially skilled than I using tricks and experience to throw me off many times, which I see in retrospect having gained enough experience.-Also not going to college has stunted my intellectual development.

One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world.

Let it be known that, as a civilized people, we will not tolerate the barbaric intrusions of emotionally and intellectually stunted children who can be whipped into a murderous frenzy by some priest or imam prattling on about God.

I feel like a lot of the really clever and elegant things about smalltalk as a language and an object model got bogged down in the program image execution model, to the point where it stunted the evolution of those ideas for a long time.

I sacrificed socialization in exchange for raw academic performance, and found myself unable to connect with the people around me. I was making six figures out of college, but had nothing to spend it on, save gadgetry and fast machines - tools that allowed to bury myself in a world where I wasn't a mostly socially-******** 20-something that had stunted social skills, no artistic or creative inclinations, no hobbies, and a circle consisting mostly of equally lost young professionals like myself.

Stunted definitions


inferior in size or quality; "scrawny cattle"; "scrubby cut-over pine"; "old stunted thorn trees"

See also: scrawny scrubby