Venerate in a sentence as a verb

I see no reason to venerate either flags or royalty.

In fact, this behavior is the very same reason people venerate Pinboard's Twitter account.

"We can't just venerate something because it's been "given to the people" - we need to give OS just as much critical treatment as closed source.

"We need to be clear when we venerate entrepreneurs what we are venerating," Gladwell said in Toronto.

As much as we venerate the Macintosh now, it had trouble getting traction at a profitable price in the early going.

Make sure more people don't hear about this and start asking questions like why do some people venerate as a here, this guy the government says is a traitor.

The anarchists here have all turned into Maoists who venerate the Naxalite rebellion in India.

Americans generally venerate the wealthy and aspire to be wealthy themselves.

If the impetus for our dislike was really a fear of the toils of entrepreneurship, we wouldn't venerate any hard-working entrepreneurs like Elon and Steve.

I think that there is definitely a tendency amongst developers to venerate tools and forget that tools are great only insofar as they allow you to be more productive.

Or we could do what Americans do and venerate a piece of cloth?I'm not having a pop at Americans, but it may make sense to view the queen as a symbol in the same way that the flag is for Americans.

When these artifacts are regarded as objects that merely 'look cool', or when they are mass produced cheaply as consumer kitsch, people who venerate and wish to preserve their indigenous cultural traditions may be offended.

Yet the Web browser vendors have honed this kind of behaviour into a routine, regularly exerting their de facto power over the Web, and sometimes in nakedly self-serving and destructive ways, and people have been conditioned to hail and venerate this as the Open Web.

Venerate definitions


regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of; "Fear God as your father"; "We venerate genius"

See also: reverence fear revere