State in a sentence as a noun

" Were Jews really going to be loyal to the state they lived in?

"And what would you do to remedy this state of affairs?

That's good news, because "nothing" is an easy state to achieve.

I think a lot of us now see the state as a tool meant to make our lives more stable and just.

Even though you state that you are not in a position to do that, you really are.

I mean, there was an ancient state that existed and then diaspora as the Jews had to leave their homeland.

I went to a po-dunk Midwestern state school, so what looks obviously stupid to me is maybe genius.

If these laws are violated, the state authorities have the power to take legal actions to enforce them.

But for the most part they just have a bunch of crappy tools that read and write state machine information into relational databases.

"The law is still the law, and we must follow it whether we like it or not."The irony of Putin saying this cannot be understated.

State in a sentence as a verb

Likewise, there is no canonical, authoritative state of the store, since the server doesn't "think", only the clients do.

If you have employees, pay them and get them off your books first; employee wages are, depending on the state you're in, the one likely exception to that rule.

I mean, if you're big into patriotism and nationalism, then the state should be the citizen's first priority, right?

" For clarification, I asked if it was a city, state, or national law, and the officers adamantly maintained that it was a state law.

Think of it this way: had your company been successful, it almost certainly would have left you in a state where you'd be working for someone else for a couple years during your earnout.

The haziness of procedures, lack of basic rights, intimidation, no accountability of state officials -- we've seen all that until 1989.

"The owner of the house, who we reached for comment, had been residing in the UK, and was not aware of current events, and was distraught to discover the state of the home on his return.

We should be throwing the bums out-- from Obama down to the local state congresspeople or local sheriffs and judges who fail to take actions overturning this, or who themselves participate in this.

The money transmitter laws are basically laws that give state governments the authority to require that bonds be provided, that minimum capitalization requirements be met, and that other precautions taken, to ensure that whoever handles escrowed monies takes prudent steps to protect those whose funds are entrusted to them.

State definitions


the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation; "his state is in the deep south"

See also: province


the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"


the group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state; "the state has lowered its income tax"


a politically organized body of people under a single government; "the state has elected a new president"; "African nations"; "students who had come to the nation's capitol"; "the country's largest manufacturer"; "an industrialized land"

See also: nation country land commonwealth


(chemistry) the three traditional states of matter are solids (fixed shape and volume) and liquids (fixed volume and shaped by the container) and gases (filling the container); "the solid state of water is called ice"


a state of depression or agitation; "he was in such a state you just couldn't reason with him"


the territory occupied by a nation; "he returned to the land of his birth"; "he visited several European countries"

See also: country land


the federal department in the United States that sets and maintains foreign policies; "the Department of State was created in 1789"

See also: State


express in words; "He said that he wanted to marry her"; "tell me what is bothering you"; "state your opinion"; "state your name"

See also: tell


put before; "I submit to you that the accused is guilty"

See also: submit posit


indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.; "Can you express this distance in kilometers?"

See also: express