Nation in a sentence as a noun

This place is our home, our nation, and we get to decide what's allowed here.

Or what third world nation's crops to take financially hostage?

And that, for these lawyers, is a lethal combination.

In an ominous sign, no Pashtun will join the "national" Afghan army.

The future's going to come out of a location that's free from the high-rent nonsense that creates a work culture of subordination.

Corporate America is a nation of social climbers.

In fact, throughout much of our nation's history, law enforcement had no idea what kind of communications criminals had.

It makes sense that a nation would allocate many of its most talented and thus highly compensated individuals to the task.

There are other countries, like Saudi Arabia or Norway, who will probably be the first to try this on a nation-wide scale before Switzerland.

In a sense, Singapore does not really fit the traditional definition of a nation, and instead has been called a society in transition.

We as a nation lose out. While he can't single-handedly deserve credit for our slide into partisan bickering and bureaucracy, he proudly contributes more than his share.

I'm talking the actual conditions of the prisons in the US as labeled by organizations like Amnesty International.

Gen W is like the theoretical physicist in that famous story who, when asked how his research contributes to national defense, replies that his research makes the nation worth defending.

It also illustrates the complexities behind making software portable - in this case, using the nation-neutral place separator.

Westerners, and Americans in particular, are very bad at understanding nationalism.

Let us be clear—online piracy is a real problem that harms the American economy, and threatens jobs for significant numbers of middle class workers and hurts some of our nation's most creative and innovative companies and entrepreneurs.

The failure to recognize the good in America, indeed the many ways in which it still leads the world, and see the difference between a free country with perhaps too-strict sentencing guidelines and one which enslaves and kills its people for purely political transgressions, is indicative of the erosion of one axis of our moral compass and the early sign of a culture and a nation turning in on itself and destroying itself.

"As to being bigger and stronger, perhaps we should look to the nation of Japan and the feats its military was able to achieve with men roughly the size of north american women"Maybe in this context you should look at Japanese men and women and find that in this case, as in pretty much every culture, men tend to be bigger and stronger then women and violence from one to the other is heavily weighted in the same direction.

Nation definitions


a politically organized body of people under a single government; "the state has elected a new president"; "African nations"; "students who had come to the nation's capitol"; "the country's largest manufacturer"; "an industrialized land"

See also: state country land commonwealth


the people who live in a nation or country; "a statement that sums up the nation's mood"; "the news was announced to the nation"; "the whole country worshipped him"

See also: land country


United States prohibitionist who raided saloons and destroyed bottles of liquor with a hatchet (1846-1911)

See also: Nation


a federation of tribes (especially Native American tribes); "the Shawnee nation"