Spurt in a sentence as a noun

Perhaps they didn't prepare for the traffic spurt from HN?

It's just a question of when the biggest growth spurt occurred in hiring.

Now that explains the sudden spurt in my 3G data usage in the last 3 weeks.

This "spurt" finds him six feet behind the gliding enemy, and two miles from his friends.

I wonder how much those fake users really did towards pushing reddit to it's growth spurt.

Even if they did, they would likely have no motivation to spurt their comments unbidden onto it.

A second growth spurt happened in 2009 when Groovy added a DSL syntax to its already klunky grammar so Gradle could use it.

Spurt in a sentence as a verb

Big growth spurt, massive cash injection, interesting to see if they become the first big "enterprisey" NoSQL provider.

After the initial spurt, the ******* rates do not drop \nbelow traditional levels but only return to those levels.

The Bay Area's vastly disproportionate economic productivity should have implied a Beijing-like growth spurt.

That doesn't mean all women in tech are touchy and going to explode if you say "thrust" or "spurt" or whatever the **** else other words have double meanings.> women don't really have it hard at all in techAre you a woman?

Taking the pessimal estimate of 15 minutes in a standstill to charge the hyperdrive, followed by a 10 kilometer spurt at lightspeed, we get an upper bound of 50 SEK + 445 SEK/10 km, or 165% of the article's index fare.

But there are still lots of things that can't, won't, exist.>For a while, I had a spurt of thinking about some new tech idea and seeing it within a week of thinking about it- This is a relatively well known phenomenon.

We got really liberal at one point, and while we had an initial spurt of membership, it nearly killed us because nobody wanted to be around the 2 assholes who were using the space as their personal livingroom.

Spurt definitions


the occurrence of a sudden discharge (as of liquid)

See also: squirt spirt


gush forth in a sudden stream or jet; "water gushed forth"

See also: spirt gush spout


move or act with a sudden increase in speed or energy

See also: forge spirt