Spirt in a sentence as a noun

It's still wrong, and goes against the spirt of equity grants.

A day off helps morale and spirt of the team more than anything.

That was very well made and the spirt of democracy is a nice touch.

Basically my beef is forking being not very in the spirt of how it's supposed to work with git.

Like all subcultures when the hacker ethos went mainstream it's spirt died and all that was left was fashion.

I really love the spirt behind gcompris and got to enjoy watching my girls play with it when they were younger.

In spirt agreed, I don't know when `in letter` developing software will catch up with this efficiency.

I think teamplay spirt are chalenging,csgo must be dificult to play as a team, near game theory nash equilibrium.

Spirt in a sentence as a verb

Other than the spirt of the law being drafted to explicitly target Uber/Lyft the letter explicitly clears them.

Thanks for this, the last time I read a straightforward language tutorial in this spirt was "A Gentle introduction to Haskell" around 2004-2005.

These protestors put the animals at risk -- and the news covers it as, "Oh look at the majestic spirt animals coming to the rescue!

Maybe I'm way off, but I think this is kind of what Google intended in some sort of way with their Google X lab. They're exploring innovative and new ideas but I think it's with the intent of spurring on this competitive spirt with the other tech giants.

Other documentation?I use the spirt of Big-O almost daily, but do the actual calculations rarely, and basically never use the notation.

Obviously, TBL was commenting on code quality.. but in general it made me think about how much jeopardy the spirt of freedom that use-at-your-own-risk tends to come with, is in lately.

"There was no need to start with a "Well" when it was abundantly clear that Aero is basically a very clever hack on the legal system, which, unfortunately, ran into some justices who don't care so much for the letter of the law, as they do the spirt of the law.

Spirt definitions


the occurrence of a sudden discharge (as of liquid)

See also: squirt spurt


gush forth in a sudden stream or jet; "water gushed forth"

See also: spurt gush spout


move or act with a sudden increase in speed or energy

See also: forge spurt