Soliloquy in a sentence as a noun

You can have a 13 year old memorize a soliloquy, but ask them what it means.

If you hit Reload on a page that uses it, does it give you a soliloquy about tears in rain?

It's hard even to call him cliched when you look directly at the soliloquy lines.

I took the whole first sentence of Hamlet's soliloquy which compressed to 䮛趁䌆뺜㞵蹧泔됛姞音逎贊 and plugged that into Google Translate.

I'm also surprised that Stephen uses this soliloquy to capture his own thinking.

Let's hear you deliver that soliloquy when you're held by a mugger at gunpoint, about how you are your own master.

If a student can recite Hamlet's famous soliloquy, but can't manage his finances, then he and his school have spent their efforts inefficiently.

The next morning, the teacher cornered me in the hall and delicately asked if everything was OK. Bewildered by the time & tone of the question, I suddenly realized what Hamlet's soliloquy was about.

Fun soliloquy - I guess I'll play along.> What do you think "government benefits" are?Broadly speaking, the transfer of some good from the government to its citizens.

More than one candidate successfully produced a correct C solution and then sunk their own battleship by volunteering a completely wrong soliloquy on heap vs stack memory.

Soliloquy definitions


speech you make to yourself

See also: monologue


a (usually long) dramatic speech intended to give the illusion of unspoken reflections