Mugger in a sentence as a noun

When a mugger steals $70 from me, my maximum exposure is $70.

Are we required to get permission from a mugger to record him robbing us?

Currently, a mugger has an incentive to harm someone to take their device and sell it.

There is no way that mugger can use those bills to extract any more money from me or as a launchpad for fraud.

I'm pretty sure most of these still work even if I happen to lose a laptop to Customs rather than to a mugger.

Let's hear you deliver that soliloquy when you're held by a mugger at gunpoint, about how you are your own master.

There are still murders committed in Ireland with handguns between rival city gangs but the common mugger will not have one. Do I feel safer?

It's self-inflicted in the same way that a mugger stealing your wallet at gunpoint is self-inflicted.

I got mugged last night, and gave the mugger a little extra because he was just so darn enthusiastic about mugging.

That's a bit like telling people who live in dangerous areas that the best response to a mugger is not to let them impoverish you.

I found 3 gold spots, but interacted with the mugger twice and finished with 1 gold, so I'm betting I got pick pocketed or something.

For a mugger, an ex lover, a political opponent, a boss, an employee... everyone is a target.

Yeah, I've lived in the US my entire life and I'm often more scared of the police when I'm walking or driving down the street than any potential mugger.

So on that angle, squatting is mere theft, too, but of a much higher value item than any regular burglar or mugger could ever hope to make off with.

If you walk down a dark alleyway in New York at night alone and get mugged, the mugger is guilty of mugging you, but you're also guilty of being a silly goose.

This happens all the way up and down the spectrum of offenses; for instance, there's something like 4 different things a mugger in Chicago can get charged with.

I doubt he held animosity towards Aaron in particular, any more than a mugger would towards someone wearing an expensive watch.

Mugger definitions


a robber who takes property by threatening or performing violence on the person who is robbed (usually on the street)