Monologue in a sentence as a noun

He has the manager giving two- or three-word responses and non-responses like "Umm, well...." and then the CEO launches into a monologue.

When I learnt from reddit discussions that most people experience their inner thoughts as an inner monologue, I was flabbergasted.

Daisey told us her real name was Anna, not Cathy as he says in his monologue, and he said that the cell phone number he had for her didn't work any more.

Indeed, the internal monologue will almost certainly change from "Facebook?

What this, and indeed the whole monologue, emphasises for me is that the teachers should probably not be involved in the process of disciplining students.

It's a beautiful example of an internal monologue that shows not only how people approach social situations differently, but to what extent they think differently.

Just check it in and break things, it's called 'agile'.I apologise if my internal monologue sounds shrill, but your advice to 'fire all the architects' sounds similar to advice from developers to 'fire all the marketing department'.edit: I am not an architect, this is not a defensive rant.

An inner monologue wherein he wonders if she's hot enough, chides himself for being so shallow, and then unconvincingly reassures himself that he's not that shallow and he still finds her attractive even though he's in the mood for larger breasts?Of course not, because porn is fantasy that has as a crucial element the affirmation of male power, validity, and competence.

But probably not standing in front of a class giving a monologue, because in 20 years the whole "give a monologue to 50 people barely paying attention, hand out assignments to be done one week later, trickle out feedback about performance two week after that" model will be considered laughably quaint, and our grandchildren will ask us why on Earth we ever expected anyone to be educated with such a terrible model.

Monologue definitions


speech you make to yourself

See also: soliloquy


a long utterance by one person (especially one that prevents others from participating in the conversation)


a (usually long) dramatic speech by a single actor