Socialization in a sentence as a noun

"Women aged 35-54 are the most active group in mobile socialization" 3.

There's a lot of forced childhood socialization that immigrants miss out on: church, block parties, etc.

I don't know, the nuclear family is a pretty strong element of culture and socialization for sure.

I use my lunch periods to get away from the forced socialization of our open-office plan.

Schools are structured environments for the socialization of youth, as much as they are learning environments.

Maybe you don't like that, but you can't just make decades of socialization that millions of people have undergone disappear because you don't like it.

You end up losing the period of socialization which is typically 4-10PM, where people go to dance classes, have dinners with friends, go get drinks etc... and things feel lonely.

There is an easy way to refute your argument: what you're saying about 'socialization' also happened in most developed countries.

They're also expected from a young age to put up with being treated somewhat scornfully, so negative socialization has less of an impact.

In the few cases where other women are shown as the problem they are framed as victims of patriarchal socialization not responsible for their behavior.

Sometimes conversations are about exchanging ideas, other times they are purely about socialization.

It's pretty small potatoes compared to the normal contract guarantees to even, say, companies doing highway maintenance, and let's not get into the "socialization" of science funding.

He simply presumed that with the expropriation of the ruling class, with the fall of political power and the socialization of means of production, the new Jerusalem would be realized.

This is a profound theory, because it posits a very strong evolutionary foundation for human socialization and behaviour.

That kind of low-key, parentally-supervised, non-threatening socialization helps build basic skills, but its something immigrant kids often miss out on because their families don't feel comfortable participating in the community.

I sacrificed socialization in exchange for raw academic performance, and found myself unable to connect with the people around me. I was making six figures out of college, but had nothing to spend it on, save gadgetry and fast machines - tools that allowed to bury myself in a world where I wasn't a mostly socially-******** 20-something that had stunted social skills, no artistic or creative inclinations, no hobbies, and a circle consisting mostly of equally lost young professionals like myself.

Socialization definitions


the action of establishing on a socialist basis; "the socialization of medical services"

See also: socialisation


the act of meeting for social purposes; "there was too much socialization with the enlisted men"

See also: socialisation socializing socialising


the adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture; "the socialization of children to the norms of their culture"

See also: socialisation acculturation enculturation