Acculturation in a sentence as a noun

I think that there is a hint of why when he mentions almost in the last line, further acculturation...

I really think this is just personal preference / acculturation - for years i also used a 17" monitor on my desktop.

There are a few good schools, mostly heavily leaning Asian --due to parental acculturation.

Surely, our acculturation with Facebook and the way we use it will evolve over time to protect our selves from this kind of thing from happening.

College provides the social network, acculturation, and signaling that make it much more likely to gain access to such career paths.

"Indoctrination" is a bit of a loaded word, perhaps I should have said "assimilation" or "acculturation".

Maybe the effect of an editorial filter or change in acculturation, or more likely co-determined by things I haven't guessed at.

I want to say that I want to say that whether we attribute this to inborn ability or to acculturation, the entire gender gap has been determined in high school if not before.

Appealing to the cognitive limitations brought on by acculturation isn't a satisfactory refutation.

Human beings over the last several thousand years have progressed by acculturation and by writing down knowledge acquired by other individuals much more rapidly than any human lineage has ever progressed by shuffling genes.

Immigration is deeply and inextricably tied up in questions about culture and acculturation, democracy and the composition of the body politic, the long-term, sustainable, growth of the population, etc.

Precisely, yes. Specifically> In a broader context, the term may refer to a minority's strategy of coping with oppression from socially, culturally, or economically dominant groups involving suppression of aggressive feelings and even identification with the oppressor, leading to forced assimilation/acculturation of the cultural minority.

Actually, the real explanation is much, much simpler: back in the postwar era, nigh-universal university education was sold to the new middle classes as triply a way to solidify their economic position, a way to gain both status and acculturation relative to the upper classes, and a way to avoid being thrown into wars.

> I'm very sympathetic to your tech-on-tech-on-tech-on-tech hogwashery promulgated by open sourcers & vendors prosteltyzing their wonderful solutions and the other acculturation factors that permits developers approaches other than trying & seeing & exploring-Are you studying for the SATs, or just trying to make your argument sound more compelling through the use of unnecessarily complex words?

Acculturation definitions


the adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture; "the socialization of children to the norms of their culture"

See also: socialization socialisation enculturation


all the knowledge and values shared by a society

See also: culture


the process of assimilating new ideas into an existing cognitive structure

See also: assimilation