Enculturation in a sentence as a noun

>It seems like what these parents really want for their kids is enculturation, but they don't realise it.

It seems like what these parents really want for their kids is enculturation, but they don't realise it.

For a child, you're stealing actual brain development and enculturation time.

He wears his vocabulary and enculturation on his sleeve like a badge so that he can pour scorn on neophiles and other people he doesn't like.

The idea that it is an object that can possess the property of velocity will take a bit of enculturation.

My point was that the enculturation works extremely reliably.

No. The widened circle of evolutionary concern that we display is due to a great deal of socialisation and enculturation.

Which I've figured out despite all the messaging, enculturation, and external pressure to the contrary.

Poor families have neither the time, money, nor enculturation to facilitate meaningful improvements in home life.

Melville Herskovits said it best, "Judgements are based on experience, and experience is interpreted by each individual in terms of his own enculturation.

Also, because there are fewer poor people, there are fewer people growing up without access to decent family and educational training and enculturation.

It's no surprise that upper-middle class children both graduate from college at higher rates _and_ generally have much better economic prospects--it's because of this very sort of unquestioned enculturation.

What was intended as a program of enculturation for the children of the wealthy elite has turned into a monster that devours the children of the working class, who are mostly not exceptional, and for whom an arts degree is an expensive diversion at best.

Indeed, the issue wrt being Chinese is that the history of China is one of a enculturation into Chinese culture of a diverse set of groups throughout the mainland... where being Chinese is about acting Chinese more than it is about genetic and geographical roots.

For some reason, despite being deeply involved in the arts my entire life, and despite believing that the classic liberal arts are about enculturation more than knowledge, I never quite put it together that aesthetics more generally had a kind of behavioral utility beyond personal "satisfaction.

Enculturation definitions


the adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture; "the socialization of children to the norms of their culture"

See also: socialization socialisation acculturation