Smartness in a sentence as a noun

Really like it, this is of the same "I should have thought of that" smartness as Slideshare was when I was first told of it.

Of course, some children are born with more potential smartness, just like some children are born with more potential strength.

Oh, spare us. Playing at Mr. Citation Needed is not a form of smartness and is in fact a pernicious sort of bias.

But in the United States, a smartness test that a hiring manager just makes up is legally risky.

Does caring about good looks exclude caring about smartness and education?

A doctorate in most fields is proof of a degree of general smartness and an ability to work rigorously in the field.

Determination then becomes the limiting factor once smartness has been established.

The general idea here, "praise effort, not smartness", is pretty well backed by the research, I came across a similar study some years ago and they keep popping up.

And once you put yourself on the shoulders of giants, including your own, you can geometrically catapult yourself into much higher spheres of measure, including "smartness".

BTW, high karma does not equal "smartness"; but it's interesting that you seem to like high karma so very much, since your rating is rather high, but hate displaying the accumulated karma on actual posts.

Companies are increasingly pushing for "smartness" in their products, espousing all the ostensible advantages, while not giving much exposure to the possible downsides too.

That nice guy who drives the schoolbus is constrained by bureaucracy; he can't hug or praise a student who tells him that she's feeling sad today because kids are picking on her for her perceived smartness; he must act as a robot driver.

Smartness definitions


a kind of pain such as that caused by a wound or a burn or a sore

See also: smart smarting


intelligence as manifested in being quick and witty

See also: brightness cleverness


elegance by virtue of being fashionable

See also: chic chicness chichi modishness stylishness swank


liveliness and eagerness; "he accepted with alacrity"; "the smartness of the pace soon exhausted him"

See also: alacrity briskness