Smarting in a sentence as a noun

The author may need a bit of smarting up on their own, it seems.

Your post reminded me that I’m still smarting from my used 2017 car purchase last year.

The mobile device org from top to bottom must still be smarting from the touchpad.

People don't like to publish much while they're still smarting from losing large amounts of "money".

Cool - sarcastically said, not cool at all, I'm smarting and resent the change.

Think of the large swaths of Appalachia or the Midwest that are still smarting from our transition away from a coal & steel economy.

But the outside trial counsel for both firms in the San Diego trial might be smarting a bit for missing out on fees for what would have been a huge trial.

Based on a few accounts I've read, China had zero intention of actually engaging in combat as they were still smarting from the Korean war.

Well, perhaps that results in a mechanism of smarting up when we're over-exerting ourselves regularly.

"You conducted your navigation adorned with aviator glasses while smarting off in a classroom between homoerotic beach volleyball scenes, while Polynesians embedded their navigation education in a spiritual practice.

Smarting definitions


a kind of pain such as that caused by a wound or a burn or a sore

See also: smart smartness