Brightness in a sentence as a noun

And the auto-brightness sensor means there is one less thing for me to fiddle with.

If you feel like you're cooking your eyeballs, perhaps your screen brightness is just too high.

That is the point; it's all about color temperature, and not about brightness.

My 2013 11" Air gets 8 hours easily, but can go as long as 12 or as short as 2 depending on screen brightness and CPU usage.

Take the brightness control of LEDs using PWM and color mixing of different LED colors to make color changing LED lighting.

In rural areas, you often dial down the brightness of all controls to preserve night vision in case an animal or debris is in the road.

Even so, when I use my laptop for coding and reading text, I turn the brightness down because it is easier on my eyes and does not give me headaches.

Heavy contrast can be. Instead, get down to the root reasons that we have issues with contrast in short, we're wired to notice differences in color or brightness than we are for absolute values of color or brightness.

I think it was a bad patent because it was obvious even in 1999 that you could use PWM, common already, to vary power through a LED to control brightness.

The shader for the caustics needs the ratio of the projected area to the original area for each triangle to compute the brightness.

Which is to say, they have a maximum brightness, a much lower native contrast ratio than paper, and their display properties get markedly worse as ambient light levels increase.

It's clearly more of a jump from a zoom button to a multitouch gesture than the jump from "LEDs can have variable brightness and different colors" to "LEDs can be mixed to make color changing lights".

It might just be me, mainly because I drive an "old" car that doesn't dim/adjust my rear view mirror based on others drivers lights, but I find the uber brightness of other drivers lights to be a real pain these days.

Some details are just really hard to make out on the computer screen, without fiddling with contrast/brightness settings- You may have the computer settings at a particular level where "browsing" the field is impossible.

A great deal of formal art education is learning to detach your visual stimulus from the semantic association you would otherwise naturally make...and perhaps reattach it to new semantic associations like "negative space" and "comparative brightness" and "relative white value".

Brightness definitions


the location of a visual perception along a continuum from black to white


intelligence as manifested in being quick and witty

See also: cleverness smartness


the quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light; "its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun"

See also: luminosity luminance luminousness light