Situate in a sentence as a verb

How exactly would one hold a 32" tablet, or situate it at a desk?

"They could situate in a reasonable school district"Absolutely not!

As soon as they get older, meet someone and think about a family they leave and go somewhere that they can get a house and situate themselves.

If it's a good idea, and we're going to discuss the proper level of the software stack to situate it, this should go in the UI toolkit for the desktop environment.

These keywords return biased results because they are highly polarized topics and you probably situate yourself on one of those poles - not in the middle.

They could situate in a reasonable school district, afford to pay more rent for a safe neighborhood, afford reasonable health care and focus on raising their kids.

To be precise, HonestDNS uses Anycast routing to situate the same IP at multiple places around the globe, letting BGP and least cost path routing send users to their best location.

You could probably manage to situate yourself with most of the things you need nearby, but you would still find the vast majority of the city inaccessible without a long ride.

Bandwidth costs--also a fraction of Everpix's. Rent and other fixed costs--definitely a fraction of Everpixs, which chose to situate itself in one of the most expensive locations in the world for a business with minimal revenue.

In my opinion, to situate this conversation in a framework where "alternatives" are to be considered is to already assume an authoritarian stance.

I would suggest changing the behavior of pushing the entire page down to one where just the username and password boxes descend from the top and situate themselves next to a stationary Login button.

It used to be two US zones, so one of them going under for "maintenance" meant you now had to situate your workload in a single zone, unless you wanted to deal with transatlantic/transpacific latency and all the fun of that stuff.

All of these are real concerns, but I think the basic point stands: a two-party system encourages both candidates to situate themselves at more or less the median of the American electorate, which I consider a desirable outcome.

It will always be possible to situate your home far from the reasonable service area of a fire department, and it seems unreasonable to suggest that merely by doing so, the nearest municipality should be on the hook for providing coverage.

Situate definitions


determine or indicate the place, site, or limits of, as if by an instrument or by a survey; "Our sense of sight enables us to locate objects in space"; "Locate the boundaries of the property"

See also: locate


put (something somewhere) firmly; "She posited her hand on his shoulder"; "deposit the suitcase on the bench"; "fix your eyes on this spot"

See also: posit deposit