Fragment in a sentence as a noun

" name="fragment"> then Google will request the page with the "_escaped_fragment_" query param.

And of course IP doesn't care if you lose a fragment, you'll eventually resend it.

Just look at the fragment of the article:"Common Lisp is one answer to this question.

You could look at a fragment of code and discover >1 in error every other line.

An API call for a screen/view/fragment should return exactly the data needed, no more, no less.

I've never seen one application skew across versions so hard, or single-handedly fragment the space as much.

The X11 protocol isn't backwards compatible with that of X9 simply because they both share a name-fragment.

Use the compatibility library for fragment support and other cool stuff, and use them wherever you can.

Fragment in a sentence as a verb

Don't make this one of your competitive technologies designed to fragment the world into Apple and not-Apple.

Why is it important enough to fragment Free Software developers over?I feel that this should be answered in an FAQ, but I can't find the answer anywhere.

Reflections and refractions can also be done in entirely in the fragment shader for simple scenes like this one with standard raytracing intersection tests.

Is Vine really a radical new way to communicate, or is it merely the nadir of audiovisual culture, fragmenting the world into six-second shards of nothingness?

I think they fragment human interaction into the smallest possible dopamine-inducing units.

If the W3C and Apple can't work out a royalty-free licensing arrangement for Apple's essential claims, then this seems very likely to fragment the mobile web even further by creating yet more "works only in Safari" pages.

I’m not sure how they stripe their data, so the perceived throughput may be higher based on parallel retrievals across racks, but if they’re using the same erasure coding strategy that S3 uses, and writing those fragments sequentially, it doesn’t matter – you’ll still have to wait for the last usable fragment to be read.”

Fragment definitions


a piece broken off or cut off of something else; "a fragment of rock"


a broken piece of a brittle artifact

See also: shard sherd


an incomplete piece; "fragments of a play"


break or cause to break into pieces; "The plate fragmented"

See also: fragmentize fragmentise