Self-regard in a sentence as a noun

One group that displays much 'irritating self-regard' are east-coast pundits who write on subjects they don't understand.

You're trapped by political language as much as insularity and self-regard.

But this would likely inspire a revolt among redditors, who hold themselves in laughably high self-regard.

>people with unwarranted self-regard often think they can convince other people with obvious nonsense. Projecting?

The self-regard of journalists never ceases to impress me. What other profession would believe that they have priveliged claim to the most fundamental of the rights enumerated in the Bill or Rights?

People often believe in self-contradictory things, but then again, people with unwarranted self-regard often think they can convince other people with obvious nonsense. Perhaps a bit of both?

I read the comments here and I was prepared for some tale of woe involving gross financial mismanagement and staggering levels of yuppie self-regard. Then I read the article; now I'm disgusted, with the attitudes on display here.

But quite a few of the modern motivation gurus seem to espouse a sociopathic level of self-regard that reminds me of religious fanaticism. Don't even get me started on the 'God wants you to be rich' people.

>I think by "self-assessment" is meant something more like "self-regard", the whole being taken to mean that PHP programmers have a relatively high opinion of themselves, which is not justified by the code they generate. I read it this way too, and this is what I'm disagreing with.

Unless, of course, the person has delusional self-regard already, and are more likely to make the opposite mistake. One reason why giving advice is so challenging is that it's always extremely context-driven.

But I agree about the way that either can be used as positive expression of self-regard, while still coming across as derogatory when used by people who are not in the club and unsympathetic towards those who are. In this regard, both words differ from 'dork', which never seems to be a good tag.

But if you're scratching your head wondering why the media's popularity is at an all-time low, maybe it's because there's this onanistic self-regard that places the media above the citizen. Tucker Carlson just broke the record for most-watched month of any cable news show ever.

In theory it's an incoherent mix of religiosity, homosexuality, flamboyance and almost narcissistic self-regard but for some reason on some level, it all seems to make perfect sense. I've just watched it again - having not seen it for 20+ years and I'm still smiling as I'm typing this.

It reflects their parents' view of the world as a place where wealth increases inexorably and is handed out most freely to the individuals who, via self-regard and self-assertion, contrive to appear to deserve it most. Now they're adjusting to a world their parents did not prepare them for, and they're bound to look a little foolish at times, through no fault of their own.

I think by "self-assessment" is meant something more like "self-regard", the whole being taken to mean that PHP programmers have a relatively high opinion of themselves, which is not justified by the code they generate. I gather the author is perhaps not a native speaker of English, so perhaps this is a subtlety which has simply passed him by.

For as long as I could remember, I had always known that my father's major source of self-regard, what he felt to be the very essence of his being, was his incredible mental capacity. In this late stage of his illness, he must have been aware that this capacity was deteriorating rapidly, and the panic that caused was worse than any physical pain.

It's beautiful, mind-expanding, awe-inspiring, and over-inflated in the grandiosity of its self-regard way past the point of parody.

On several occasions I've taken a course, been quit disappointed, and come off them - subsequent improvement, if any, has more to do with increased self-regard for having taken action to address the problem. I do feel, strongly, that dopamine deficiency is part of my particular problem - and as pointed out, the clinical options there are somewhat limited.

While it may be your version of Occam's Razor to assume that this is an internationally-coordinated plot against him, I find it much easier to believe that a person with a lot of public self-regard could be guilty of one of the most common crimes committed by humans: acquaintance rape. What's really frustrating is watching people conflate Assange with Wikileaks and defend the individual as if he's the organization.

Self-regard definitions


the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect; "it was beneath his dignity to cheat"; "showed his true dignity when under pressure"

See also: dignity self-respect self-worth